She Force

SheForce is a trademarked program of AllenForce. Its mission is to empower women impacted by the military with the tools and confidence needed to reconnect and honor themselves as a woman. It teaches tools for relaxation, motivation, and mental focus and provides camaraderie and a support system that balances mental health and well-being through a holistic approach to life.


The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood; for it has been through their faith, their love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great has been made.

Monthly SheForce Gatherings
"Honor the She Within Me"

Opening and Closing Ceremony
Motivational Speakers
Empowering Skill Workshops
Holistic Techniques Education

All women directly impacted by the military will benefit from SheForce.


SheForce Retreat
"Focusing on the She in Me"

The SheForce retreat focuses on honoring the woman within—acknowledging the femininity that is so unique and important in today's world. Whether it be in a military branch or corporate america, a woman's physical and emotional uniqueness is often overlooked. Giving oneself permission to be feminine, to be emotional, to be strong, to be empowered with beauty from within, is very important to self esteem and acceptance. Our retreat focuses on connecting with the feminine energy and allowing oneself to embrace the gentleness and softness not always visible in daily life.

SheForce outings have included:

Salsa Dancing
Dessert Making
DIY Workshop
Power Breath
Belly Dancing
Decorating Tips and Tricks

AllenForce is a 501(c)(3) non-profit of Illinois.
Copyright © AllenForce.
All Rights Reserved.

Website designed by Second City Web Design, Inc.