Thank A Veteran

Please take a moment to express your gratitude. Let a veteran know their personal service, sacrifice, and commitment are appreciated.

Please send your thank you note to:
thankavet @

Thank you
To all of those that have served and are serving, thank you for serving our country and protecting our freedoms. ... Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mary B.

Thank you for your Service
Thank you, Dad, for your service and for giving us the freedoms we have. May generations to come find a way to always Thank your generation for what they have.
Richard M.

Thank you from Linda
Though my dad is a WW II veteran, he never spoke about it very much. Since becoming a part of the "We Honor Veterans" program through the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, I and the people I work with have learned so much about the sacrifice and service that is given by our military personnel. We are so grateful to our veterans for their service and are privileged and honored to provide care for many heroes and their families. Thank you for all you have done to protect our nation!

Thank you from Bill
God bless you for volunteering to serve. No greater love has one for a friend than that who is willing to lay down his life. You are a friend to the country and I wanted to let you know that this citizen is a friend of yours! Thank you.
Bill P.

Thank you from Kathleen
To simply say thank you for your service does not seem enough. Because of you and the men & women like you, we enjoy the freedom we have in our beautiful country. Thank you for all that you do.

Thank you from Chris
Our gratitude can not be told. We cannot express our gratitude for your service. Please know that you live in our hearts and minds every second of every minute of every hour of every day. All our best always.
Chris S.

Thank you from Margaret
Thank you Ernie for being so brave and going to the foreign war so America can have better lives and freedom.

Thank you from Melissa
Thank you for your service! We are the land of the free because of the brave!
Melissa W.

Thank you from Richard
Thank you for your service.
Richard T.

Thank you from Tom
I would just like to take a moment to say thank you to all who serve to benefit our great country. Words cannot express the feeling of gratitude for the opportunities your service to protect, has provided ALL Americans. I think too many people take our country for granted. For what you have provided for us, I say Thank You, and God Bless.
Tom N.

Thank you from Genevieve
I just would like to send a warm and most-grateful THANK YOU to each of the veterans, as well as those who are still "out there", for all of the freedoms you fight for us, as the American people, to continue to enjoy! God Bless!
Genevieve J.

Thank you from Robert and Barbara
I would like to thank all my fellow brothers and sisters for their dedication and service to the people of the greatest nation on earth. Without all you've done our world and lives just wouldn't be the same! You are all so wonderful and my wife and I are eternally grateful for all you have done and continue to do! God bless every one of you and America!
Sincerely, Robert and Barbara A. Bartlett, IL

Service appreciated from Richard
Thanks for your service

Thank You to Veterans from a Trainer
My name is Tom Snarich and I have been working with the HMHB program for nearly two years. Men and women from the Iraqi war to Veterans from Vietnam. It has been my pleasure to work with such nice people. Not being a Vet myself I didn't have a clue what people go through to protect our freedom. Now that I have worked with people with different disabilities I am beginning to understand. They talk freely about what they did in the service, and they all have the same positive attitude about serving their country. Never once have I heard any negativity. They are proud for what they did, in the service as they should be, and the least I can do is give them an hour of a good workout. I say Thank You to the Veterans.
Tom S., A.C.E.

Thank You for Service from Judy
I just want to say "Thank You" to all veterans for your service in keeping America free. You all have given so much. I hope no one ever takes our freedom for granted. God bless and keep you.
Judy H

Thank You for Service from Cole
I can't imagine what so many Veterans had to go through, and I'm aware that some Vets may feel rejected and unappreciated, but I would like to thank Veterans everywhere, from The World Wars, Vietnam, Korea – Veterans from every war; Thank you. I could NEVER express my full gratitude in my lifetime… but thank you.
Sincerely, Cole

Thank You for Service from Alex
Dear hero, Thank you for serving in the army for us! We love what you do for our country and will support you as long as me and my family can.
From Alex

Thank You for Service from Maggie
Thank you for your service! Please know that you live in our hearts and minds every second of every minute of every hour of every day! God bless you all!
From Maggie

Thank You for Service from Megan
My family doesnt know you all but we know "We are the land of the free due to the BRAVES"! May God keep you safe and God bless you and your family. Thank you!
The Barry family Wantagh NY

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